License to export food to Switzerland

Switzerland is one of the countries where Iranian goods are widely accepted. For this reason, manufacturers who are active in the field of food production can target Switzerland to create a dynamic market for food exports to Switzerland. But for this action, you need to obtain a license to export food to Switzerland. It is very important that you are aware of the laws and standards of the Swiss country in the field of food for exporting food to Switzerland, otherwise it will be difficult for you to obtain a license to export food to Switzerland.

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Not only do you need a license to export food to Switzerland, but you also need a health license to export food to Switzerland, a license from the Food and Drug Administration to export food to Switzerland, and the Organization for Standards and Jihad Agriculture and Environment. Get food exports to Switzerland. You need all these permissions according to the requirements set for the product. On the other hand, you must have a commercial card, otherwise it will be impossible for you to obtain a license to export food to Switzerland.


Conditions for exporting food to Switzerland

In the continuation of the process of exporting food to Switzerland, you should think about changing the packaging of products, obtaining a health certificate for exporting food to Switzerland, and obtaining a customs certificate for exporting food to Switzerland. Product pricing is one of the most important conditions for food exports to Switzerland. Until you have determined the value of your goods, it is not possible for you to export. This pricing is done by the Customs Tariff Commission for food exports to Switzerland, which you must also participate in. If you cannot follow these things yourself, you should ask professional and experienced agencies in food export to Switzerland to guide you.

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One of the most important measures to be taken in the process of exporting food to Switzerland is changing product packaging for food export to Switzerland. You cannot enter the Swiss market with the same packaging that is sold in Iran. It is very important to change the packaging according to the taste of the target customers.

Do not forget that determining the target market is one of the most important conditions for exporting food to Switzerland. In which market do you plan to distribute your product after exporting food to Switzerland? Do you think that the sale of your product is more popular in which of the market segments? If you want to get information about this, you need to do market research before exporting food to Switzerland. In the process of market research, it will be determined what the tastes of Swiss customers are, what is their demand rate for buying your product, what are their tastes, what are your limitations and opportunities in this market, and what are the threats you face. You can know your professional competitors in the Swiss market and formulate a strong strategy for exporting food to Switzerland.

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Do not forget that compliance with these conditions can introduce you to the Swiss market as one of the strong sellers in exporting food to Switzerland. Therefore, we recommend that you seek the help of our experts in the Paya Group to achieve guaranteed success in exporting food to Switzerland. In this series, our experts will explain the conditions of exporting food to Switzerland from zero to one hundred and will be with you all the way.

How to export food to Switzerland

For many food producers, it is a long-standing wish to be able to send their food to Switzerland. Switzerland is one of the countries that gives great importance to the health of food and its people consume healthy food. Therefore, if you want to enter the field of food export to Switzerland, you must know that the quality level of your products for food export to Switzerland must be high in order to be accepted in the Swiss market.

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Market research in Switzerland for food export to Switzerland, communicating with Swiss importers for food export to Switzerland, conducting business negotiations and official correspondence for food export to Switzerland, concluding a contract with the trading party in Switzerland and sending proforma and samples The products are all among the important things that are done in the process of exporting food to Switzerland. One of the most important things that you should not forget is obtaining the necessary certificates for exporting food to Switzerland. Health certificate for food export to Switzerland, quality control certificate for food export to Switzerland, standard certificate, food and medicine certificate, environment and atomic energy are all among the documents and approvals that affect the way of food export to Switzerland. . If you are not fully aware of how to export food to Switzerland, you can ask for help from our experts at Paya Brokerage.

How to export
Export price

Food export prices to Switzerland

Exporting food to Switzerland can be very profitable for you, but it can also cost you money. It is worth paying these costs if you know that there is a lot of profit waiting for you on the other side of the story. For this reason, we recommend that you be careful in estimating the price of food exports to Switzerland, and before exporting food to Switzerland, be sure to check the financial estimates and possible profitability to make sure that this is justifiable and not to lose.

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The price of food exports to Switzerland depends on many parameters. One of the cases is the volume of goods sent for food export to Switzerland. Certainly, the more the volume of the shipment increases, the price of food exports to Switzerland will also face an increase. Meanwhile, a high volume of cargo can bring more profit.

The method of transportation in food export to Switzerland and transit is another issue that changes the price of food export to Switzerland. There are various ways to send cargo to Switzerland, among which air shipping is the most expensive way to export food to Switzerland. However, it is faster.

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The cost of obtaining various licenses, the cost of product quality testing for the export of food to Switzerland, the cost of negotiations and correspondence for the export of food to Switzerland, the cost of sending samples to Swiss buyers, the cost of marketing and market research, the cost of transportation, the cost of insurance and the costs of Customs, including taxes and duties, all affect the price of food exports to Switzerland. Other things also affect this cost, for example, currency and dollar price fluctuations. Since the price of currency and dollar fluctuates constantly and you need to transfer currency in the process of exporting food to Switzerland, it is natural for this price to undergo changes. You can contact our experts in Paya to know the price of food export to Switzerland.

Steps to export food to Switzerland

Contrary to what most people think, exporting food to Switzerland is not so easy. Although this country welcomes Iranian food, it has strict rules regarding the quality of food for exporting food to Switzerland. If you pay attention, you will often hear that Switzerland has first-class food. For this reason, this country is not willing to risk its brilliant history in food.

If you want to be successful in exporting food to Switzerland, it is necessary to follow the steps of exporting food to Switzerland step by step in order to succeed in this direction. To export food to Switzerland, first of all, you should think about obtaining a license to export food to Switzerland.

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Marketing and market research is considered as one of the most important stages of food export to Switzerland. At this stage, you should ask professional experts to check the situation of the Swiss market and give you detailed information about the amount of supply and demand and the tastes of Swiss customers. On the other hand, you must have a detailed analysis about your competitors so that you can surpass them.

Export steps

The presentation and issuance of proforma to Swiss buyers is another step that requires commercial negotiations and formal correspondence with supply chain links in Switzerland. As a result, you can enter into a deal with the contracting party and send him a sample. Determining the price, packaging the goods, obtaining the inspection permit, obtaining the certificate of origin and declaration of the product, and performing customs duties must also be done in the following stages of food export to Switzerland.

Be careful that one of the most important stages of exporting food to Switzerland is customs clearance. If you don’t have knowledge and expertise in this field, your goods may stay in customs for a long time, and on the other hand, you will be involved in fines and exorbitant costs. For this reason, we recommend that you entrust the clearance of goods to professional companies in this field. These matters usually include placing orders, sending product declarations, obtaining legal permits, and paying customs fees, including duties and taxes. Undoubtedly, the better the history of the brokerage company in this field, the faster the clearance process will be.

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Signing a contract with insurance and transport companies is one of the last stages of exporting food to Switzerland. You can send your cargo to Switzerland in different ways, which you should look at the perishability of the goods and your budget. We recommend that you contact our experts in Paya for the exact and perfect execution of these steps.

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