Food trading company in Tehran

Regarding the food trading company in Tehran, it should be said that if you have paid attention to the food products being offered in foreign markets, you know very well that the food products available in the market of each country are different from the market of other countries.

These food products are different in terms of content, taste, taste and even nutritional value. As a result, countries are looking for a way to exchange food and boost domestic markets. One of the most brilliant ways is food export with the help of food trading company in Tehran.

Contact our experts to find out about the conditions for exporting food to Afghanistan

Through the export of food, domestic and foreign producers can develop their activities, build a brand, and contribute greatly to the prosperity of the export and import sector in their country, the result of which is nothing but an increase in national income and the development of the domestic economy.

But the point is that many enthusiastic and capable producers do not have enough knowledge in the field of food export. For this reason, they should get help from brokerage and specialist companies in this field. The food trading company in Tehran helps you to travel this path at high speed and overcome stubborn obstacles.


Packaged foods are very popular in foreign countries. Most consumers of the food market welcome foreign products. Tasting fresh flavors, experiencing new tastes and access to special foods that cannot be found in domestic markets lead consumers to buy exported foods. The food trading company in Tehran will carry out zero to one hundred food export processes for enthusiastic and talented production groups.

From market research to obtaining all legal permits and signing contracts with foreign traders and performing customs affairs, they are implemented with the knowledge of the food trading company in Tehran. Therefore, you can safely entrust the business affairs related to food export to this company.

One of the advantages of the food trading company in Tehran is to benefit from an experienced and expert team. Traveling this route thousands of times by the expert experts of this collection has revealed all the nuances, obstacles, challenges and dilemmas of this route for them, and it is the best choice for the export of the food trading company in Tehran.

Therefore, instead of doing something important like food export by trial and error, just ask our experts at the food trading company in Tehran for help so that all the challenges and obstacles are smoothed out for you.

For information on food export services to Turkey, contact our experts

One of the benefits of using the services of a food trading company in Tehran is reducing costs. Producers who do not have enough experience in food export may lose a lot of capital if they do not have enough knowledge.

Lack of familiarity with the language, lack of familiarity with legal processes, lack of familiarity with contracting techniques, lack of familiarity with business negotiation techniques, lack of familiarity with effective marketing methods and inexperience in customs matters can all cost you a lot. to do Meanwhile, with the help of the food trading company in Tehran, you can successfully go through this difficult path at the lowest cost and in the fastest possible time.

Contact our experts to find out about the conditions for exporting food to China

Food exports include all types of food including fruits, dried vegetables, saffron, dried fruits, jams, tomato paste, dates, snacks, drinks, mineral water, spices, grains, rice, oil and pickles. In general, any type of food can be exported to foreign countries. In many cases, the type of food will determine the method of export.

For example, if the food item is a perishable food item, you need to choose the air transportation method. As a result, the food will reach its destination faster and there will be no loss or damage. However, the goal of the food trading company in Tehran is to choose the cheapest, fastest and most effective way of transportation.


Goods clearance and customs issues are always one of the biggest challenges for exporters. If you do not have enough knowledge in this field, your products may not be released from customs for months. Familiarity with customs affairs and clearance of goods is one of the most important specialties of the food trading company in Tehran.

This company considers itself obligated and responsible for the export of food products to its customers, so it carries out each stage of export with the help of the expert team related to the same stage. For example, for market research and competitor analysis, help is taken from the marketing team, who have good knowledge in the field of strategy formulation and market analysis, as well as advertising.

Contact our experts for information on food exports to Oman

At the same time, in the field of signing a contract, the expert and experienced team in legal matters is helped so that there are no legal snags and knots in the contract and everything goes according to the law and in your favor. The story is the same for customs affairs and goods clearance. The food trading company in Tehran receives help from an expert and experienced team in this field.

Many times, production complexes are not familiar enough with the legal licenses required for export, and they seek help from the food trading company in Tehran. Licenses such as health, quarantine, standard, environment, agricultural jihad and atomic energy licenses are among the necessary licenses for exporting food to different countries, which must be obtained physically or electronically from different organizations. come to help The food trading company in Tehran does all the paperwork and will receive the required licenses and certificates from various organizations.

The food trading company in Tehran consists of different sub-categories, each of which has special skills and expertise. One of the most important tasks of this food trading company in Tehran or the food export complex is in accordance with the laws and requirements of the destination country. Each country has its own requirements. For example, exporting food to Qatar is different from exporting food to the Netherlands.

Because these two countries have different requirements and standards. Our experts at the food trading company in Tehran, with full knowledge of the laws and restrictions of the destination country, will deliver your export cargo to the destination as quickly as possible with the safest transportation methods.

One of the problems that most exporters face is the mismatch of the export product with the invoice sent to the buyer and foreign traders, which will be solved by the food trading company in Tehran with knowledge and expertise. This often leads to a knot in the export process and will cost you a lot of time and money. The food trading company in Tehran will prevent these problems and problems by having a professional and strong inspection team in terms of quality and quantity control.

At the food trading company in Tehran, all export products in Iran will be inspected so that there is no discrepancy. This inspection includes a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative inspection, so you will have peace of mind about the compliance of the cargo with health, qualitative and quantitative requirements.

Contact our experts to learn about food exports to Iraq

Another important issue that is discussed in the food trading company in Tehran is the packaging of food products according to the requirements of the destination. If you look at food packaging in different countries, you will notice that these requirements are different in each country. Therefore, you need to change your food packaging according to the laws of the destination country, all the laws of this section will be implemented by the food trading company in Tehran.

From the type of packaging to the engraved writings and labels on the product. It is very important that food packaging is such that it does not get damaged or damaged during the export and transportation process. As a result, our experts at the food trading company in Tehran will consider the best and safest packaging method for your products.

The food trading company in Tehran has included things such as contracts with insurance companies in its list of services. You can have peace of mind that your export cargo is insured. As a result, you will not have to worry about any possible damage to the load. Accidents on the road, such as theft, and any other problem, such as injury, will be included in the insurance. As a result, possible losses can be reduced in this way.

Contact our experts to find out about food exports to the UAE

Paya Group, as the best food trading company in Tehran, is ready to do zero to one hundred food exports for you, the dear and hardworking producers of Iran. Our services include market research, marketing and advertising, signing contracts with foreign merchants, obtaining all the necessary certificates and licenses, formulating strategy and managing the export chain, performing customs affairs, clearance of goods, transportation and insurance.

Even things like packaging are in charge of this collection. stable This food trading company in Tehran will choose the best way to transport and export your food and will be with you until the final clearance of the cargo from the customs. Therefore, there will be no need for you to enter in any of the steps. Because Paya will do all these steps with the best quality and speed and the lowest cost.

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